Thursday, August 30, 2012

Explain Everything in History Class

We had a great week exploring the features of Explain Everything.   We learned that if you are using a cart and saving to Dropbox, you need to turn auto-link off in EE preferences.   That took two days :)    Everything is going well.  I look forward to student presentations.   We also found a contest on the EE website.  Several of my students are excited about the possibility of winning $50 for their work.

I will come back and share some of the students' work when its complete.

Check out this great site for iPad tips and tricks.

All for now,

Another perspective on Explain Everything

Explain Everything is awesome.

The app actually changed my perspective on school. Now everyday I wake up, and I am actually about school. This app is like the new modern PowerPoint.

Using Explain Everything for my American History project has been a new different experience. I will definitely download it when I get an iPad.

To save a project made on Explain Everything:
  1.  go to your Dropbox and unlink dropbox
  2.  go to the Explain Everything home page, there you go to preferences and slide auto link Dropbox to off
  3. Then click export, select your project and click project tab. 
  4. Then login into your Dropbox, and click upload. That's it use it!!!!
                                                                                                                              -Marisol A.

Using Explain Everything for the Five Themes of Geography

Hello everybody! In my American history class, we have been using an amazing app called explain everything, to create projects about the 5 themes of geography. So what we have been hoping, is to contact the app developer, because my classes have so many questions to ask him. We also have some suggestions, too. Well, I'll just say that my first assignment using the iPads in school was a fun one, and I hope to do it again!

                                                                                                               -Ryan D.